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  1. Posted 15/7/2015, 02:03
    Follow these strategies and you'll build yourself a home rather than a house ...

    1. Mix old and new

    Styling your home doesn't mean all new all the time. A well-executed eclectic home contains layers of personal items such as heirlooms, treasures from travel and well-loved vintage pieces with a story to tell.

    Don't be too precious about adding and subtracting décor items: repositioning or repurposing items can refresh your space without you having to spend large amounts.

    Mel Chesneau from Styled Canvas is a huge fan of vintage items. "They are the perfect way to bring some individually to a home. To me, the best way to show it off is by teaming it up with a contemporary lamp or another piece of modern furniture."

    2. Don't follow trends

    It's easy to get trapped into buying into the latest homeware trends, and with the abundance of low-cost product splashed across magazines and blogs, we often make knee jerk purchases for instant satisfaction.

    Making considered purchases, researching products and not filling your space with 'fast' homewares (think fast fashion) means that you will have a more sustainable and satisfying space.

    Remember that Rome wasn't built in a day, and making a plan for a well-considered interior avoids a home filled with meaningless purchases.

    3. Ignore what's hot and what's not

    Being confident in your own style is much like being comfortable in your own self.

    We often associate our homes with who we are – so relax and enjoy your home, and make changes that suit your lifestyle and family. It's easy to get wrapped up in thinking about resale value, but if your home is loved and lived in this becomes its most valuable asset, no matter how long you intend to live there.

    4. Feng Shui your space

    Feng Shui is the art and science of organising your space to maximise positive energy. Originating in ancient China, Feng Shui can be applied to modern living - its principles gravitate around how a space is used, for instance keeping work and living areas separate, and placement of furniture to allow free and uninhibited movement.

    Having a tidy, organised home will result in feelings of calm and relaxation. It's also key to fix broken items and discard unused items or anything that evokes unhappy memories.

    5. Tackle one room at a time

    If you are considering a renovation or a refresh of your décor, tackle one room at a time. Start a project board and a file for each room to ensure style consistency, but consider each room as its own entity. Considering the position and function of a room are the best starting points for a successful design strategy.

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